If website does not satisfy you, you don't have to pay


Do you want to create a new page or update an old one?

I can create websites, representative websites or e-shop websites that will properly help you present your services or products.

Google Ads

Have a page but it lacks visitors?

Google is a place where people search, service providers, where to buy products. Your ad can appear on Google just when someone is searching for products or services similar to yours.


You have visitors on your website, but you don't know what they are doing?

Google Analytics allows you to measure the benefits of advertising, as well as monitor what visitors do on the website. Which website pages are visited most often and what they click on most often.

What do I use?

The latest technologies


WordPress - Content management system

I primarily use WordPress for website development, as this content management system allows you to create any type of website you want, from a simple blog-like variant, to a representative website, to your fully functional online store. If you prefer to use others, I can help with other systems as well.

Google Ads

Google Ads - Advertising system​

Show your ad to customers at the exact moment they are searching for your products or services on Google. Pay only when they click on your ad to visit your website.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics - Data system

Get a deep understanding of your customers across devices and platforms. Google Analytics gives you free tools to understand the customer journey and improve your email marketing. in the store.

Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager - a tag management system

Google Tag Manager GTM allows you to quickly and easily update measurement codes and related code fragments collectively known as tags on your website. Once the small segment of Tag Manager code has been added to your project, you can safely and easily deploy analytics and measurement tag configurations from a GTM web-based user interface.



About me

Who am I?

Lukas Stankevičius - digital advertising specialist

Hello, I mainly work with Google Ads advertising, I help new businesses enter the market using online solutions. I can create a website for you that reflects the services you provide, as well as create a Google Ads campaign in order to attract new and old clients to it. I can create Google search campaigns and display advertising network campaigns. I can analyze the data collected on the website using Google Analytics and make suggestions on what could be improved.

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